Just Elders Steering Committee Gathering


August 22 – 23, 2019
Mount Olive Retreat Center
7984 257th St W, Farmington, MN 55024

There are four levels of accommodation:

Single, hotel-style room: $165, Double, hotel-style: $120, Shared, bunk-style room: $96, Commuter: $79 All reservations include: 3 meals with Vegan and Vegetarian options* and use of meeting space.

This is a two-step registration process:

Step one: Payment of the non-refundable deposit required by the center.

We are asking for this payment online now, with your credit card.

We will have 2 days to decide if enough people have committed to make this gathering worthwhile. If we decide not to hold the gathering, your money can be returned. After Jake sends our check to the center our deposits will be non-refundable. 

Step two: Final non-refundable payment. We will send an email to those who have committed around July 15th asking for payment of the balance due by August 1. *You will inform the center of dietary needs at this time.

Proceed to step 1

If mailing in a check click here for credit cards proceed below:

Single: $55.00 Double: $40.00 Bunk: $32.00 Commuter: $26.00