Julie and I voted early. When we went to the city clerk’s office, we were encouraged. There was a steady stream of voters. This stream of early voters, protecting their voice and their vote, could be record setting. People in our state, Wisconsin, can still vote at their municipal clerk’s office until 5:00 p.m. on November 2, 2018. Check it out for your state on google. If you can do that today, bring three family members or friends.
If you have registered and voted early, we thank you.
If you have not voted, please plan your vote. Make sure you know the address of your voting place. Make sure that you have time to vote. We love our grandchildren. They have good hearts. They want to be good citizens. In the last election one of my grandsons arrived at his polling place just after the polls closed. He lost his chance to vote for the first time! So know when the polls open and when they close.
It happens that in our state, employers must give their employees time to vote. Many states have these rules. Some states even require your employer to pay you while you vote! Please ask for these privileges before you leave work today or when you arrive at work on Monday. Give your employer a chance to plan for your absence.
When you go to the polls try to bring others with you. Need a ride? Our local faith-based organization gives rides to polls. Can you still vote this afternoon? Call Tammy Hayward at 262-497-8468.
If you need a ride on November 6, please call the RIC Office at 262-635-9532. Many organizations across the country are giving rides to the polls. Check with your church or faith-based organization. We want to keep the momentum growing leading to the largest midterm turn out in modern history.
If you have time, you might want to check the ballot before you go to the polls. There may be candidates you do not know. Maybe there is time to learn about them. And there are issues to be voted on in almost every state. It is a good idea to think about this before you step into the voting booth.
This weekend, tell people that you have voted or that you are going to vote. Ask them if they have voted or plan to vote.
If they tell you they are not voting, BE COURAGEOUS and ask them why. Ask what kind of a country they want. Remind them that those who do not vote, vote with the majority. Maybe if you are with a group of friends tonight or tomorrow you can have a discussion about how we take care of our democracy.
November second is the day to make your voice heard!
The message of Just Elders to our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, family, friends, and neighbors is simple: GET YOUR ASS OUT AND VOTE! If you want us to sing to you, click the play button on this page: www.justelders.org/10×10.
A lot is at stake: health care, living wages for all people, the environment, and the very character of our country.
Don’t let your power to check and change slip through your fingers.