There are all kinds of ways for us TO ACT
to sustain the American Dream and the beloved community with justice.
All JUST ELDERS are invited to become Issue Advocates.
An Issue Advocate invites people to join them in designing an issue campaign using our digital tools.
The issue can be initially defined in a blog post
people can be invited to comment to deepen the analysis
GoToMeeting for issue chapter meeting
The issue can be presented using
Google docs, sheets, and slides for issue presentations
Issue advocates will seek the advice and consent of the JUST ELDERS STEERING COMMITTEE.
The steering committee can choose to bring the issue to a plenary for adoption and a national issue when it is deemed to be winnable.
JUST ELDERS have experience inviting people into carefully crafted issue campaigns.
The Issue Advocate organizes Issue Action Chapter to use the communication hub to drive the issue to completion.
email targeted for individuals
mass emailing
engaging people via survey, blog comments, facebook and twitter posts and other calls to action
We will need elders too blog about the issue, manage the issue on Facebook and twitter
Campaigns may include using digital tools and face to face local actions.